The twenty Dutch and French shipwrecks that lie covered by mud and sand in Scarborough Harbor are the time witnesses to a story of epic proportions. These artifacts represent an incredible cultural treasure not only for the people of Trinidad & Tobago but also to the world and by documenting and subsequently researching this unique cultural heritage site we allow these ships
“to continue their journey and to deliver their cargo of knowledge to us all”.
“I’m not aware of any other Dutch 17th Century warship being properly, archeologically excavated, so this is the fundamental importance of the site, it is unique. I don’t believe there is any other site around the world that can yield us so many examples”.
Dr. Kroum Batchvarov
Assistant Professor of Maritime Archaeology, University of Connecticut
Affiliated Scholar of the Institute of Nautical Archaeology, USA
“Tobago 1677” is commemorating the 336th anniversary of the “Sea Battles of Tobago”. This 96-minute docudrama explores the historical facets of one of the most brutal sea and land battles ever fought – its background and historical development, the scientific and cultural importance of this unique archaeological site, the technological aspects of the quest, the team who spent more than six years to bring this project to fruition and last but not least pay homage to all the local people, organizations, government departments and private companies that have participated and helped to unearth this unique historical event.
TOBAGO 1677 has been filmed topside and underwater in Quad-HD using 3 of the revolutionary RED EPIC cameras and 2 Cineflex Helicopter cameras.
A high-tech steady-cam has been on set as well as a 30-foot crane and a special underwater camera housing for the RED EPIC. This way “TOBAGO 1677” can be presented in cinema quality at Movie Theaters, international film festivals and broadcast symposia.
A high-tech steady-cam has been on set as well as a 30-foot crane and a special underwater camera housing for the RED EPIC. This way “TOBAGO 1677” can be presented in cinema quality at Movie Theaters, international film festivals and broadcast symposia.
At certain times there were more than 130 people involved in the production. Nearly 80 people have been re-enactors, the balance being the film team, hands and security staff. In addition, over 40 local companies and many individuals have provided their services for the duration of this film shoot. The National Security Helicopter teams, the crews of the TT Coast Guard vessels, their dive teams and two OTSL science vessels added another 80 persons to the production pool.
In the film, Captain Van Dongen’s voice is represented by Patrick O’Connor, better known for his role as “Gandalf”
in “The Hunt For Gollum”, the prequel to the “Lord Of The Rings” films, produced by Independent Online Cinema.
in “The Hunt For Gollum”, the prequel to the “Lord Of The Rings” films, produced by Independent Online Cinema.

A panel of top international experts has joined
the Oceans Discovery team on their quest to unearth this unique and dramatic part of our common maritime history.
Dr. Kroum Batchvarov
Assistant Professor of Maritime Archaeology, University of Connecticut. Affiliated Scholar of the Institute of Nautical Archaeology, USA
Isabelle Delumeau
Professeur d’histoire a I’Ecole Navale, French Naval Academy, France
Ab Hoving
Author & Researcher of Dutch Classical Shipbuilding, Holland
Professor Andrew Lambert
Kings College London, UK
Dr. James Pritchard
Professor Emeritus of History, Canada
the Oceans Discovery team on their quest to unearth this unique and dramatic part of our common maritime history.
Dr. Kroum Batchvarov
Assistant Professor of Maritime Archaeology, University of Connecticut. Affiliated Scholar of the Institute of Nautical Archaeology, USA
Isabelle Delumeau
Professeur d’histoire a I’Ecole Navale, French Naval Academy, France
Ab Hoving
Author & Researcher of Dutch Classical Shipbuilding, Holland
Professor Andrew Lambert
Kings College London, UK
Dr. James Pritchard
Professor Emeritus of History, Canada